Saturday, April 26, 2008

the week in photos

Smiths had cereal on sale this week--8 for $8. Plus, every time you check out, you get a $2 coupon, so you can buy your NEXT batch of 8 for only $6.48. We like to stock up when they have these sales. You really can't beat such a cheap breakfast.

I've been craving peanut butter cookies for days (and asking David to pick up peanut butter from the health food store for a week and a half) and I finally got to make some!! Oh yumminess! The problem is, using the all natural (peanuts only) peanut butter makes me feel like the cookies are kind of healthy (yes, I ignore the sugar content) and I tend to overindulge. At least I made them small--that way I can eat four cookies and it's really only two.

Last Sunday while Clive was napping, David, Noodle, the dogs & I had some fun in the sun in the backyard. On Thursday we had another weird weather day, complete with a quick and furious snowfall. Happily nothing stuck.

And, as promised, more rattie pictures.

1 comment:

Debra said...

It may have been a lame blogging week for you last week, but this week is turning into a lame commenting week for me! :)

These pictures are great! So fun! I took your lead and went and bought cereal at Smith's. I had no idea Fruity Cheerios were so good!