Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bacon shake

Noodle is watching “Arthur” on PBS, and the dad just said something about how Arthur shouldn’t have tried to make a “bacon-flavored shake” with his good cooking equipment, and it took me back to my summer working at Jacob Lake, AZ. I was the only vegetarian in the group, so of course one of the guys feels the need to tell me how delicious he thinks meat is at every moment. We went out for shakes one time and I finally said to him, “Dave, you’d put bacon in your milk shake if you could.” He said, “Hey, that’s a good idea!” So he requested a bacon shake, which caused quite a stir as we were in Kanab Utah and they don’t get “weirdness” like that too often. It ended up like a vanilla milkshake with bacon bits in it (the blender had that effect on it) and those who tried it said it was fine, just weird when you got a bit of bacon in your mouth. I just had chocolate and banana.

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