Friday, April 07, 2006

Are we entitled to our opinions?

I had an individual comment to me (on a blog) yesterday that someone was “entitled to his opinion.” It made me smirk, not because it is a particularly dumb phrase or infrequently used one, but more that it seems like such a wussy “defense”. “Well, I’m entitled to my opinion!” she says, as she marches off in a huff. I hadn’t said that someone wasn’t entitled to their opinions, rather that I found that “opinion” to be ridiculous. I too often find that people close their minds to a further investigation of facts by using the cop out, “That’s my opinion.” MY opinion is that people should be more concerned about learning the reality of things than defending their precious opinions. Plus, these same people get in a huff when you have an opinion about their opinion. What? I’m not entitled to have an opinion about your opinion? That hardly seems equitable.

So there. (I wish I knew how to put a smiley face in here, because I’d like to put one here. I’m really not as disagreeable as I might come across....just opinionated! *wink*)

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