Yup. That's right. I've killed ten houseflies today, and there are about three more I've got my eyes on. Where are they all coming from? And why do they like to congregate in threes on the television? (No longer, though, I think I killed the ones who liked it the most. Or at least two of them.) I'm not even ashamed of their blood on my swatter.
In other news...I've been trying to spend every spare (and many not so spare) moment working in an effort to bring in as much money as possible. Which means that when I'm
not working, I don't really want to sit at my computer and read or write stuff, since that's pretty much what I do when I
am working. For the first three weeks I have to comment on every stinkin' think I do, so that's a mite bit tedious. I worked twenty hours last week, which means there was twenty hours of
other stuff that I normally do that didn't get done. I was also babysitting every day. So it was a good week for moneymaking, but not a good week for blogging, reading, exercising, relaxing, or any of those other pleasant things that I normally try to incorporate into my life. Alas...
David and I did go on a fun date last Friday night, however. We went canoeing with a few other couples on the Provo River and then went to a yummy Mexican place to eat. We'd originally only planned to go canoeing due to cost, but my sister & her husband gifted us $50 with explicit instructions to have fun, so we did. Then we had our friends Kent & Mary over to play Scrabble and (brace yourselves for this)...I lost! I know, kind of unimaginable. But I did only lose by seven points, so it could have been worse. The only real insult is that Mary's a novice. I think that was her second ever game of Scrabble, and the first game was at our house a few weeks ago. Beginner's luck?
One of these days I'll catch up on reading all my favorite people's blogs. But for now, know that I miss reading your interesting (and not so) exploits.