Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to me and David! Four wonderful and crazy busy years. And what do we have to show for it? Two masters degrees, two kids, one trip to Brazil, 3 presentations at scientific conferences, one cruise to the Bahamas, 5 rats (with 3 more over the "rainbow bridge"), one fish (more over the bridge), one departed hamster, 3 Mac computers. . . In all honesty, four years hardly seems long enough to have experienced all that we have. It's hard in some ways for me to remember life before David came along. We met on a trip to the Amazon rainforest, where we spent two of the most relaxed and blissful weeks, even as we studied and learned and did some fieldwork with the other students and professors there. I think the memories of being deep in the Amazon will always remain some of the most peaceful and serene of my life. There really aren't words to describe it. But it's where I like to go when I need a "happy place" to restore the balance in my mind and take myself away from the occasional chaos of life with two kids.

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