Thursday, June 08, 2006

My 4 year old

It's weird, because in some ways it feels like Noodle has been a part of my life for so much longer than 4 years, but on the other hand, can I possibly have a 4 year old daughter? I wonder if being a parent always has this feeling of time bending and tweaking to it. They seem to grow and change so much, but I feel pretty much the same as I have. Though I guess once you enter full-on adulthood (defined in this case as married with children) the lessons you learn and the growth you experience are small compared to the growth of a child.


Native Minnow said...

I know what you mean. My kids are twelve, ten and three now. I can't believe that I have a twelve year old. Twelve. Yet, I can't imagine how my life would be if I didn't, nor would I want to.

By the way, I love this picture. She's a little cutie.

mindy said...

Yeah, twelve is really mind-blowing!

I can't imagine life without them, either. Even Spud, who I really didn't think I was ready to have as I hadn't even figured out how to handle one kid. But so often now I look at the two of them and think, What would life be like with only one? And I'm so glad I don't know.