Sunday, June 11, 2006

Clothes that fit

Are a very very good thing. I'm not referring to myself, or anyone else I know, though it holds true for all of us. We went to the Art City Days carnival in Springville today with David's parents, two sisters, and the kids. We rode rides, ate cotton candy, and generally had ourselves some good, lowbrow fun. But there are a couple of drawbacks that I always seem to forget about until I go to a carnival and am reminded. The first is just how many people smoke, and how stinky it is. Blech. The second is that there is a whole subculture of people who either don't care the tiniest bit what they look like, or they do care and just have some mutation in the gene that controls the ability to put together clothing combinations.

Case in point: The worst offender we saw today was a mother of two children, the youngest one only a couple months old. Now, being a mother myself I'm not about to judge any woman for not having abs of steel after having her abdominal muscles stretched beyond recognition for the better part of a year, but I do think you owe it to yourself to keep abs of unsteel tucked away nicely behind at least one layer of clothing. This woman felt differently. Her shirt was about 4 inches too short, and wasn't even styled to be a cropped shirt of any kind, and her capris were too tight, and too far down. This left what can only be called a dunlop around her midsection with no where to go. So, it just flopped around. And got sunburned. I can only imagine how tender the dunlop must be now, after its day in the sun. But I do hope it will serve as a reminder that some parts are really best kept covered, for everyone's sakes.

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