Monday, June 02, 2008

more old pictures...

I was reviewing a bunch of old pics tonight and came across my wide-eyed kiddos again. Seriously, they cracked me up, and people were always commenting on the size of their eyes. Noodle rarely blinked the first six or so months of life, and I am completely serious. She could go a good five minutes or more without blinking. (Now that she has discovered staring contests, she wishes this were still the case!) Spud's default look was a complete "deer in headlights" expression. He looked like he couldn't take in enough information, no matter where we went.

(The top 3 are Spud and the bottom 2 are Noodle.)

Of course, they might have come by it completely naturally.

As my mother used to say, Bright eyed and bushy tailed. Maybe that makes more sense if you're a squirrel. Or maybe a tailed primate of some sort.


Blue said...

those are awesome! i love how you can't tell them apart too. little clones at that age. and maybe the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed thing has something to do with your Snow White-esque love of animals?

Blue said...

PS: I had that same Raggedy Ann doll when I was little. But then again, who didn't?

Debra said...

Oh my gosh, I nearly fell of my chair from laughter when I finally got to your pic. You weren't kidding. The wide-eyed gaze was their default look. Adorable!

mindy said...

blue, i think the raggedy ann doll was just the photographer's prop. I could be wrong, though. Maybe it was mine.

debra, yup! we're a bunch of curious folks here. or something.

andrea said...