Friday, September 07, 2007


Well, after talking about keeping a clean house and visiting my friend Debra's very neat and uncluttered home, I was inspired or guilted into doing a little sorting & discarding of my own today. So of course I start with a relatively painless (for me, anyways) area: the kids' room. Noodle was happy to oblige trying on all the dresses in her closet to see which did and did not fit, along with a bunch of long-sleeved shirts from last winter. We compiled a group of cute dresses that no longer fit, which I am hoping to sell on craigslist so we can get $20 to go buy her some cute skirts at The Children's Place.

After the clothes, we went through a couple of boxes of toys to see if there were any we were ready to part with. Whooo boy, that opened up a can of worms. Unfortunately, Noodle has apparently inherited my fondness for and attachment to toys, which I'd suspected prior to today. We pulled out one stuffed dog that was purchased from a dollar store, and therefore not the absolute cutest dog, and I asked if she wanted to keep it. She started getting sad thinking about it, then said she wanted to keep it but she really didn't want to play with it. I said if it isn't a toy she enjoys playing with that much, there isn't much sense in keeping it, and if we donate it, another kid might find it who will really enjoy playing with it. She went back and forth a number of times, and shed many tears. I never pushed her, but she did keep asking what I would do, so I'd tell her. I also told her how only in the past year have I finally gotten rid of some of my toys from my childhood, but I did take a picture of them to remember them by. I don't know why it is, but toys for me hold so many more memories than other objects, so it is hardest to part with them. I told her we could take pictures of the dog, and she liked that idea. After that, we were looking through the stuffed toy bin in the play room and she found another stuffed dog and said, "I think I can give this dog away, too. I don't really play with it." I was so impressed, and really glad that I'd taken the time to talk through her feelings with her and help her feel understood.

1 comment:

Lindsey from The R House said...

you sound like mission: organization on hgtv.

i have to tell you that "good times, noodle salad" is one of my favorite sayings. great name!