Friday, July 03, 2009

poor little neglected blog...

You know that story/analogy where someone puts all the big rocks in the jar and then still has room for lots of sand. But if you put the sand in first, you can't fit all the big rocks in? Well, I think I've fit all the big rocks in my jar, or almost, but somehow they are managing to fill up the whole darn thing and leaving no room for the sand. I guess it wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that I'm quite fond of the sand.


Kent White said...

Wow, three days go by and I'm the first to post. Nobody comes by your blog anymore I guess. :)

Anonymous said...

Umm, isn't that sand in the bottom of your jar? Some days I can't even locate my rocks... so pathetic.:)

Debra said...

We do too come by your blog! We love your blog! But don't worry about neglecting it. Better the blog than other things, right?