Thursday, April 23, 2009



Katie said...

So adorable!

Mary said...

When did you have that fourth one? Sorry to say, but his eyes are kind of buggy and he may have lazy eye. And he's missing a nose. The other three are adorable though! ;o)

The Patty Cake House said...

That is such a cute cute picture!!!

babygonzo said...

So Cute!!

Can you email me a high-res copy of this one? Auntie needs a print ;-)

Anonymous said...

CUTE picture!

Whitney said...

Mindy, what an adorable picture! Your kids are so cute and you are so talented at pictures. Thanks for checking out my blog. (Sorry for using Noodle- I didn't mean to copy, we really do call him that)Thanks for all your help getting me started on that!

Debra said...

Beeeeyouteeful! Mary's comment made me laugh.

mindy said...

Mary, the funny thing is, the kids are convinced that Cookie Monster is Sprout's favorite toy. For a while they were "helping" him hold it all the time. They also decided that he calls it "O". So silly!

Handsfullmom said...
