I've been doing lots and lots of thinking lately...the kind where you realize you've been mistaken about some things for a long time, and you kind of feel like perhaps now you are ready to see the world through a slightly less smudgy window, but you're afraid that the new found illumination isn't going to last. (Okay, maybe that's just me.) Lots of thinking. But I've also been doing lots of working. I don't think I've told you that I've worked 30 hours every week since the first of the year. Yup, that includes the week that began the day after Sprout's arrival. There has been tasks available to do, so I've done them. It's been intense. I like to think that I'm developing self-discipline, and that when I no longer have this job I'll be able to put those 30 hours to good, productive use in other ways. I hope so.
Anyways, I digress. I really feel like sharing some of my thoughts as a way to help myself sort through them, but I just haven't found the time. I hope to find it soon enough, but with my sister and her family coming up later this week (yay!) I'm not sure how soon it will actually happen.
I seem to have missed the "obligatory" Easter post, but we had a very fun day. During the preceding week we read about the last week of Christ's life every morning as part of our devotional, and that was really neat. I think the kids even got something out of it, and I know I did. If I had my druthers, I'd move all the "egg/bunny stuff" (which I think is great fun) to the Vernal Equinox and have a big ol' pagan-inspired party and then save Easter for more spiritually enlightening activities. Unfortunately, David's dad is not so keen on the idea, and they are the ones who head up the family Egg Hunt each year. Oh well.
I like your smudgy window analogy and if you're willing to share and it's not too personal am interested to hear what's become more clear. Ah but that scary feeling it's not going to last. I really detest that because it usually means I wasn't strong enough to change or maintain faith or possibly hard work. Such a let down.
i can't wait to hear what you've been thinking about
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