Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Courtesy Laugh

So Spud does this thing now where it’s like he’s giving us a courtesy laugh. When anyone else in the house is laughing, or sometimes if he just thinks we’re being funny, he’ll do a “Ha ha huh!” sort of chortle/giggle. It’s pretty hilarious, and never fails to make us laugh harder, so I guess it’s effective. He’s walking about 10 steps or so at a time now, which is way too many since he’s only NINE months old. Sheesh! Oh well. It makes him happy and I really don’t think he can get into more than he does already...he’ll just do it faster! He’s a happy little boy, though. Our friends might take issue with my use of the word “little”. He is nearly 30“ tall and probably weighs 26 lbs now. Not excessively chubby, just a solid little guy. Noodle was the same way as a baby--very solid and muscley. He does have the bad habit of biting EVERYTHING, though. He’s constantly trying to bite my pant leg, or my arm, or my shirt, or ANYTHING. And those little baby teeth hurt! So, I’ll be happy when tooth #8 finally erupts, as it might give us a reprieve from the biteyness for a while.

The weather is turning cold now, and it leaves me feeling desperate. I don’t think I can handle another winter of being cooped up in our 750 sq foot apartment again. At least I won’t have post-partum hormones to deal with this time, but seriously, this place is too small to weather a cold & gray winter. Plus David has the car 99% of the time, so I’m quite stuck at home. Sigh... Hopefully we’ll be moving south to a friendlier climate in January. Until then I guess I’ll just have to buy a new hoodie.

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