Wednesday, March 20, 2013

6 months!

We made it six months!! 

Some things have gotten easier.  Some things I've adapted to.  Some things I'm just resigned to, for now.  (Poor sleep being the main one in the latter category.)  The warm weather we've had has helped tremendously, though!  We've been able to go on walks (the babies do great in the stroller) and I've also been able to lay them on a blanket outside or put them in the exersaucer on the lawn.  It is nice to not have to be inside all the time.  And I'm excited for warmer weather so they don't have to wear such warm clothes and we can more easily admire and smooch all their cute little babyness! 

I have a kind of whiney, "this is my reality" post that I started a week or so ago, but haven't been able to finish. Some days are still pretty rough, but they aren't as common now.  Maybe one or two ROUGH days every couple of weeks now.  And even on those days, M&M are so cute and fun, we just can't help but love them!  And usually they aren't the hardest's one of the other three hoodlums we have living here.  ;-)

1 comment:

Mary said...

Male M (I didn't see a cute bloggy nickname for the babies yet) is such a smiley kid! He reminds me of a muppet with that big, constant smile. And I love his sister's sweet, thoughtful look.

Soon it will be warm enough again for evening walks. I almost called you a few nights ago, but then I went outside to discover the temp had dropped. Soon, though. :)