I think I have figured out how to be happy, at least most of the time. It's part having realistic expectations, and part enjoying the little things, and part letting the bad things slide "like water off a duck's back." There's also the part about being grateful for all the good things, and having hope for the areas that need improvement. I've liked this verse from Phillippians 4:11 for quite a while, now, and often think about it when I'm feeling discontent
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content
This week we made a chart to check off whenever we do our daily "Anchors." The Anchors are Morning Prayer, Devotional, Family Scriptures, Evening Prayer, and David & Mindy Prayer. I made a chart and assigned a monetary reward based on how many checks we get during the week. We got 23 checks this week, so we earned $3 for our Family Fun jar. (The max amount/week is $5 if we do 24+.) We've realized that doing the little important things really help shape our days and keep things in balance. We are more productive because we start and end things at a set time, instead of just whenever, which is a challenge when you homeschool and can pretty much set your own schedule. Anyways, it was a good week.