Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Latest

Our current home improvement project is to build bookshelves for the office/library. We bought the wood and David cut it all to size tonight. It will be great to get these done, as we've got lots of books, videos and games that could dearly use a home outside of their boxes. We'll also be building a case/shelf for the rat cage, which will be nice as well to keep it protected and secure.

Other than that, we are really loving living here. The backyard is absolutely wonderful. I love having the playground and the trampoline. And the garden remnants have even yielded some tomatoes. Next year we play to construct garden boxes to ease in the process of protecting things from dog & kids.

Oh, and Spud has been weaned! Whoo hoo! It's been a rough week, in that he still has wanted to nurse at times, but I figured at his age it is almost easier to go cold turkey than to try and help him understand that it's okay sometimes. He's two months older than Noodle was at weaning age. Thanks to David keeping him in our bedroom with him, I've been able to get some GOOD sleep in the spare bedroom. The first night it was absolutely bizarre to wake up and have slept uninterrupted for several hours. Ahhh, sweet slumber.

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