Actually, the kids had the fevers these past couple of days. Spud had it Sunday & Monday, and Noodle had it Monday & today. Poor kids. Luckily it only seems to be a fever. No vomitting or other problems. And I must say that I greatly prefer a sick 4 year old to a sick 19 month old. Noodle has probably slept or "rested" 80% of the time she's been ill, whereas Spud just stayed awake and whined and fussed.
As soon as I feel justified in spending money on unnecessary t-shirts, I'm going to order from these websites:
http://www.bustedtees.com/ and http://www.threadless.com/catalog
Here are a couple of my favorites from BustedTees

So, other than sick kids and house stuff, not too much has been going on. We have been shopping for furniture, which is quite fun when the kids are happy. I really am looking forward to having so much space to live in. The thought of all that room makes me giddy. We will be ready to close next week sometime, but I think the actual move-in date will be pushed back. The house M & S (the sellers of our future house) are buying won't be available until mid-August, so those people will be "renting" the house back for a couple of weeks after they close. I'm dying to get out of here, but a couple of extra weeks won't kill us.